Now that my novel is published
and available in both print and digital format, I’m ready to move on from “Skipping
Childhood” and focus on a new goal for the upcoming year. I’m writing “Predator’s Revenge” as the
second book in the series involving Deandra Baxter, so while I want to promote
the first book, I can’t afford to get stuck on strictly marketing.
With the new look and design of
website, I have tried to unify all my online activities and accounts. For
so long, I've been scattered all over the place, and I imagine if anyone were
to see my entire internet cloud, it would show.
With the help of this particular
blog, I've been able to learn a few more things about myself, though not really
trying to. I've come to the conclusion that part of the reason I've been
all over the place with my internet activities is because I've been mentally
"all over the place". But publishing "Skipping
Childhood: A Novel (From Abused Foster
Child to Adolescent Serial Killer)” has helped me to start pulling myself
altogether (so to speak). I’m really
beginning to get a better focus on the kind of author I want to be.
In order to be
that author, I have to stop allowing so many other types of writing divert my
attention. That means finding a sensible
way to position everything I’ve done and everything I’m doing. I want to be able to benefit from it all, but
not at the expense of future productivity.
With that
being said, the posts for this particular blog will probably be less frequent,
since I’m becoming more and more active on my primary blog and website. While “Skipping Childhood” is my latest baby and
the one I’m most proud of, I can’t neglect the rest of my “kids”. Hopefully, I’ve done a good enough job of
linking the sites together. Readers can
enjoy the posts that have already been published here, and also feel free to
follow along at for more frequent and related posts.
The Book’s Future
So far, the
future of my book looks promising. You
can now purchase a copy of Skipping Childhood: A Novel (print version) on Amazon, in addition to the digital format of the
book. Clearly, I will need to continue
marketing and promoting it, and I will undoubtedly use this blog to do it. But I’m also ready to move on to the next
thing, and that is writing a follow up to the story. Needless to say, I have to start prioritizing
my time.
I’ll continue
posting here on this blog, as thoughts specific to “Skipping Childhood” categories
happen to come up. This of course is in
addition to regular mentions about the book on the website. I am also open to writing posts that address
any related issues that readers may have.
Simply drop me an email and I will respond.