Monday, February 20, 2017

What Inspires Us Can Sometimes Make Us Sad


Once again, I decided to talk on the subject of "inspiration" because there is nothing more interesting than the people, places and things that inspire us.  Just the other day, I was watching "Dr. Strange" with my adult son.  Michael knows all kinds of trivial information about super heroes and the super hero universes.  On this particular occasion, he shared a tidbit of knowledge with me about the famous Marvel Comics author Stan Lee.

Stan and Redheads

According to my all-knowing son, there is a story behind the reason why Stan Lee creates his female love interest characters with red hair.  It is because his own love interest of many many years ago had red hair.  Apparently, to this very day, Mr. Lee is partial to redheads.  How's that for inspiration???

Farewell Spits Inspiration

My own inspiration for my first novel: “Experimenting With Murder” centered around a place called "Farewell Spits".  This location is a real place over in New Zealand and recently it was in the news.  The subject of whale beachings is what put Farewell Spits in the news many years ago when I first wrote my book, and the subject of whale beachings is still the reason why the spotlight is on this area.

To get a clear understanding about this whole situation, take a moment to read my article: 

Farewell Spits Whale Beachings: When Facts Meet Fiction

Although I was able to use this real life event as a foundation for my  novel, the problems that the Farewell Spits area is facing is not fiction; it is all too real.  As inspirational as the story about the beached whales may have been, it is a sad story none-the-less.